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10 Ways to Mitigate the Risks of AI-assisted CVs

Andrew Haines • Dec 26, 2019

In the rapidly evolving landscape of job recruitment, a groundbreaking study by Oriel Partners, a London-based PA and administrative recruitment agency, has shed light on a significant shift: the rising influence of AI in enhancing CVs.

Our agency embarked on a research project to delve into the capabilities of ChatGPT, an AI tool increasingly used in CV creation. By modifying 100 real CVs for a specific job listing and comparing them with their original versions, we aimed to uncover the extent of AI’s role in this domain.

The results were eye-opening. ChatGPT made an average of 14 embellishments per CV, with changes ranging from slight rewordings to substantial additions in skills and experiences. This finding raises critical questions about the authenticity of AI-assisted CVs.

We categorised these modifications into three main areas:

Embellishments to CVs Avg. Number of Embellishments
“Embellishments” to Profile section 7
“Embellishments” to Key Skills & Attributes 4
“Embellishments” to Professional Experience 3
Total 14

This led to a noticeable discrepancy in scoring between the AI-enhanced and original CVs when using an AI-powered screening tool. The embellished versions scored an average of 9.4 out of 10, contrasting 8.3 for the unaltered ones, suggesting a potentially unfair advantage for candidates using AI tools to “improve” their CVs.

Type of CV Avg. Scores
Embellished CVs Avg. Score 9.4
Normal CVs Avg. Score 8.3

The implications are profound, especially considering a recent Kaspersky survey that found 42% of workers would consider using AI like ChatGPT for their job applications. This trend marks a significant shift in recruitment dynamics and highlights the need for new strategies to maintain fairness and authenticity in the hiring process.

As Co-Founder of a recruitment agency, I find these developments concerning. The ability of AI to fabricate details on CVs challenges the traditional methods of screening candidates. This necessitates more rigorous measures in the interview process to distinguish genuine applicants.

Therefore, we advocate for a balanced approach to using AI in recruitment. Employers should develop methods to detect AI-enhanced CVs, potentially integrating more thorough interviews and skill assessments. For job seekers, this serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of authenticity in their applications.

Our study marks a crucial step in understanding and managing AI’s role in recruitment. We call for responsible and ethical AI practices that safeguard the interests of both employers and job seekers.

Here’s how to mitigate the risks of AI-assisted CVs:

1. Enhancing Awareness Among Employers

Employers need to be educated about the capabilities and limitations of AI-assisted CVs. Understanding how AI can embellish or alter CV information is crucial in developing a discerning eye when reviewing applications. Workshops, webinars, and training sessions can be instrumental in raising awareness.

2. Implementing Advanced Screening Technologies

As AI evolves, so must the technologies used to screen CVs. Employers can invest in advanced software differentiating between human-generated and AI-assisted content. These tools could look for patterns typical of AI, such as overly polished language or skills that seem incongruent with the applicant’s experience level.

3. Encouraging Transparency from Job Seekers

Organisations can encourage applicants to disclose if they have used AI tools in their CV preparation. This transparency allows employers to view the CV in the proper context and appreciate the candidate’s honesty. A statement or a checkbox during the application process could facilitate this transparency.

4. Incorporating In-depth Interviews and Assessments

To counterbalance the potential inaccuracies in AI-enhanced CVs, employers should place greater emphasis on interviews and practical assessments. Behavioural interviews, case studies, and skill-based tasks can provide more accurate insights into a candidate’s true capabilities and fit for the role.

5. Building AI-Proof Job Descriptions

Refining job descriptions to be more specific and detailed can help in attracting the right candidates. By clearly outlining the required skills, experiences, and qualifications, employers can reduce the effectiveness of AI in overfitting CVs to job descriptions.

6. Fostering an Ethical AI Culture

Companies should advocate for ethical AI use in job applications. This involves setting industry standards and best practices for AI tools in CV preparation, ensuring they enhance rather than fabricate an applicant’s qualifications.

7. Regularly Updating Recruitment Policies

As AI technology evolves, so should recruitment policies. Regularly reviewing and updating these policies will help employers stay ahead of the curve in managing AI-assisted applications effectively.

8. Collaborating with AI Developers

Engaging in dialogue with AI developers can provide insights into how these tools operate. This collaboration can lead to the development of AI that supports the recruitment process more transparently and ethically.

9. Promoting a Culture of Authenticity

Organisations should promote a culture where authenticity and genuine skills are valued over polished, potentially misleading resumes. This cultural shift can discourage candidates from overly relying on AI for CV enhancement.

10. Legal and Ethical Compliance

Finally, ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards is paramount. Organisations should be aware of the legal implications of AI in recruitment, including potential biases and discrimination, and take steps to ensure their recruitment processes are fair and compliant.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, integrating AI into the recruitment process, particularly in CV creation, is a trend that cannot be ignored. The challenges it presents, such as potential inaccuracies and fairness issues, require a multifaceted response. Employers need to become more adept at identifying AI-assisted CVs, ensuring their hiring processes remain grounded in authenticity and fairness.

Simultaneously, job seekers must be aware of the importance of maintaining integrity in their applications. This balanced approach, commitment to ethical practices, and ongoing adaptation to technological advancements are key to successfully navigating this new era of AI-assisted recruitment. By taking these proactive steps, we can harness the benefits of AI while mitigating its risks, ensuring a recruitment landscape that is equitable, efficient, and true to the values of both employers and job seekers.

By Olivia Coughtrie, Co-Founder, Oriel Partners.

By Andrew Haines 26 Dec, 2019
Navigating a world in the throes of rapid change as we are in today is a challenging feat. The war in Ukraine, energy price spikes, higher borrowing rates, and chronic inflation affect consumer and business confidence domestically and internationally. The impact on organisations – employers and employees alike – is enormous, and we must adapt to survive. Recruiters have long grappled with the ever-shifting tides of uncertainty as the employment sector often resembles a wild rollercoaster ride. From the disruptive onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic to the subsequent post-pandemic boom, the rise of the ‘Great Resignation,’ and the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, recruiters have weathered these storms with varying degrees of confidence. The UK recruitment sector is optimistic Against this backdrop, including concerns about a possible recession, a recent survey of 2,500 industry professionals by independent research firm Dynata on behalf of recruitment firm Monster shows that UK recruiters are optimistic about the future, with 87% looking to hire in 2023. Also, on the positive side, 92% of recruiters are confident (45%) or very confident (47%) of finding the right candidate. This sounds high, but UK recruiters are less confident than their compatriots across Europe or the USA. Why is this? It’s because The UK is facing a unique set of circumstances, including Brexit, that have created significant economic uncertainty. Nevertheless, recruiters across all sectors still believe that they can scope out the terrain of roles, define them with precision and assess candidates through the interview process, according to our survey. However, addressing the talent shortage is still the number one task facing industry professionals across the UK, Europe and the USA, and a constant challenge persists: the need to identify, interview and secure candidates faster than the competition. UK recruiters struggle to access talent as the skills gap widens The same survey highlights how amidst this battle for talent, 51% of UK recruiters claim that finding candidates with the necessary skills is the most significant challenge they will face in the next three years. The report reveals that finding candidates with the right skills is the biggest obstacle to recruiting in 2023, with 29% of recruiters indicating that the skills gap has widened compared to a year ago. 86% of recruiters “sometimes” or “very often” struggle to fill vacancies due to this. Of the 87% of recruiters looking to fill vacancies, 44% are replacing or backfilling roles, while 43% are hiring for net new job requirements. Only 13% of recruiters anticipate hiring freezes. The UK’s battle for talent is intensifying Across all sectors, accessing quality candidates is getting harder and is especially difficult in automotive (57%), leisure & hospitality (46%), education (45%), and insurance (45%) sectors. The survey also found that recruiters are searching for radically different soft skills from candidates from different generations. For instance, 13% of Gen Z recruiters are searching for dependability, compared to 57% of Boomers. In contrast, 40% of Gen Z recruiters seek managerial skills, compared to 17% of Boomers. To survive in 2023, recruiters must develop new strategies for success To thrive in this challenging environment, recruiters must forge new strategies for success. The reliance on traditional approaches is no longer sufficient; embracing innovative technologies and solutions becomes imperative to match talent with opportunities effectively. Casting a wider (digital) net offers recruiters many opportunities to engage with potential applicants. The battle for benefits To help them secure top talent, recruiters may need to engage in a “battle for benefits” to attract the top talent. The demand for flexibility takes centre stage in 2023, with 53% of candidates expecting more flexibility in where they work and 39% expecting more flexibility when they work. However, the survey reveals a disheartening reality: only 25% of businesses offer genuine flexibility to new hires. To succeed, recruiters must balance the demands of employees and employers and address candidates’ extended benefits wish list. As flexible options, including increasingly a four-day week, become standard in many industries; salary is no longer the primary determining factor. The top five benefits employees are seeking in 2023 are remote flexibility (50%); flexible work schedules (49%); skills training/learning and development (45%); salary protection/fair compensation (44%); and healthcare benefits (41%) according to the survey. Improving search techniques In addition to honing the quality and range of benefits they offer, firms need to improve their candidate search techniques . Our survey found that only 24% of UK recruiters leverage online recruitment sites, tools, and new technologies to engage talent – far lower than recruiters in the USA and Europe – and are less confident of finding suitable candidates. This means that 76% of recruiters should improve their search methods or face being left behind in the battle for top talent. Matching your benefits offerings to your candidate’s requirements and improving search techniques will go a long way to helping businesses find and recruit the individuals that will ensure the business survives and prospers in a challenging economic environment. By Rod McMillan, Marketing Manager, Monster UK .
By Andrew Haines 26 Dec, 2019
In the rapidly evolving landscape of job recruitment, a groundbreaking study by Oriel Partners, a London-based PA and administrative recruitment agency, has shed light on a significant shift: the rising influence of AI in enhancing CVs.
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